Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Baby Ella is here! And her Ebay auction for adoption. Merging photography with reborn dolls.

Good Tuesday Morning! Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. Doesn't it feel like a Monday morning though? I finally finished baby Ella and she is such a cutie to work with! I enjoyed every moment reborning this little girl! Ella was reborned from the Ladybug sculpt who is a 9 month old baby but she looked older then that to me so I have her as a 12 month old baby girl and she fits size 12 month old real baby cloths perfectly. Baby Ella looks and feels just like a real one year old baby! My daughters and her friend (Friend Anita holding Ella pictured here) Tell me I should make another one so they can play there favorite play which is family and they need a one year old baby to be the baby instead of the cat LOL! they say they will be very sad when Ella goes home to her new mommy, I could not agree more! She was so much fun to photograph both in the studio and outside. I can only imagine what the neighbors who don't know I reborn dolls would think of me holding and posing a life like looking 1 year old baby doll in my yard lol! Baby Ella is now listed on Ebay so go on over and check her out! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350467315771&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT

I have been having problems lately once again with people stealing my domain name for the reborn doll site. So I have decided that I am going to merge this blog along with my website with the reborn dolls to save me some time and money and my domain name! anyone looking to view my present and past babies will be posted here. I will also be posting my regular photography work here as well. It is just easer to just do it all in one place. I will be posting my pricing very soon here at the blog. Well that is it for now, Have a great day! =0)

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